Friday, October 4, 2013

Personal Encouragement

"Did you win?"

My 3-year-old son after I told him why my bike was going in the car with us to preschool drop-off.  I explained that I was training for a race (my first sprint triathlon). I said, no, I didn't win, I am just practicing. He said, "oh, will you win the real race?" I said um, no, I'm not going to win and he again asked why not. I said it was just to challenge myself and I'm trying something new and this was to help keep Mommy healthy and he said, "so you will win?" Eventually I just told him that I did, in fact, win. He is very proud of me.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Clothing Optional

"No naked wrestling! Dear God, I can't believe I have to say that!"

Sally, to our 5- and 3-year-old sons after bath time. Naked everything seems totally appropriate to them even when it is kind of dangerous. See wrestling reference above.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Financial Planning

"We should buy a Ferrari...or a McLaren.  After we pay off the house."

Jay to Sally after seeing the new Formula 1 racing movie, Rush. Yes, Ferrari is definitely our first post-mortgage purchase.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Poll Taking

"Raise your hand if you like licking bugs!"

Our 5-year-old son, with his hand raised. Boys are so gross.